Franny Freiberger


who: face to face with top creative teams, crews, clients and brands

what: fiercely focused with multi-faceted knowledge and experience in this extraordinary game we play

why: making cool shit with ridiculously talented humans is everything

where: worldwide, LA local

when: 20+ years producing, consulting + ep’ing

how much: $450+ million of produced work while still having fun

bonus: deep roots in tabletop

favorite part: crossing paths with people who challenge and inspire me

yes to: art, dreamers, big thinkers, inclusivity, roller derby, skydiving, mindfulness, travel, the power of like minded humans, dark chocolate, risk takers, yoga, snow boarding, spanish speaking, middle fingers, laughing out loud, outside the box, green tea, blowing minds, breathing, farmer’s markets, clean foods, collaborators and being nice

plus: 1 rad husband, 2 badass offspring, 2 doodle dogs, 10 chickens who lay the rainbow and currently working on rescuing 🐝 ’s

secret weapon: unflappable